Scouting in Harborough District
Our District
We have 8 Scout Groups, 4 Explorer Units and Network located across the District.
The Groups all have at least one Beaver Scout Colony (6-8 year olds), Cub Scout Pack (8-10.5 year olds), and Scout Troop (10.5-14 year olds). Some groups have Squirrel Dreys (4-6 year olds).
The Explorer Scout Units are for 14-18 year olds and Network is for 18-25 year olds.
District leadership
Leading Scouting in Harborough is our District Commissioner, Paul Allenby, who is accountable to the District Scout Council.
Supporting Paul is Ben Reed, the Deputy District Commissioner and a core team of 10 other Commissioners, Assistant District Commissioners (ADCs), Managers and Advisers. These include the District Explorer Scout Commissioner (DESC), Youth Commissioner (DYC), and an ADC for each Scout Section – Squirrels, Beavers, Cubs, and Scouts. There’s also a District Training Manager who is responsible for delivering training and running a team of Advisers, Trainers and Assessors and the Active Support Unit Manager.
The District Executive, comprising of elected, nominated and co-opted trustees and whose officers consist of the Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary; manage all the administrative affairs of the District which include finances, insurance and compliance. For example, the Appointments Committee, supported by the Appointments Secretary makes sure that we only take on “fit and proper” persons and is responsible for compliance checks, such as making sure that references are followed up and that DBS disclosures are current and up to date.
In summary, a team of dedicated volunteers providing professional services to support our amazing Leaders throughout the District.
All members in scouting have different neckers to identify their group. Other groups in the country or world may have the same or similar, but in Harborough district, all are different. These are our neckers we wear.